Poster presentation on ESA Living Planet Symposium

Concept, structure and options of the FieldMApp.

We invite you, to join us at the ESA Living Planet Symposium held at World Conference Center, in Bonn, Germany on Wednesday 25 May 2022. Learn more about the concept, structure and options that the FieldMApp offers for a standardized collection of in-situ data and who they can be deployed to calibrate, update and validate satellite-aided retrieval models. We will be available at poster board 66810 during the poster session A3.10 “Novel in-situ collection for agricultural and forest structure applications” (from 5:20 to 19:00 pm) or the coffee and lunch breaks. For more detailed information please follow the link to the abstract related to our poster entitled The FieldMApp – a flexible tool for the standardised acquisition of in-situ data.