FieldMApp Related Publications

You will find detailed information on topics related to the FieldMApp and its use cases in the upcoming publication list. These topics comprise the description of scenarios in which different use cases of the FieldMApp were tested or used operationally; the analysis of data collected with the FieldMApp and ways to reuse and valorise these data.

Articles and bookchapters

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Poster presentations

  • Truckenbrodt, S.C., M. Enderling, B. Weier, E. Borg & F. Klan (2021): AgriSens - DEMMIN 4.0 - Anwendungsfall 2: Nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung. – 1. AgriSens FELDTAG „Einsatz von Fernerkundungstechnologien in der Landwirtschaft“, 4 November 2021, Kruckow, Germany (roll-up presentation).

  • Borg, E., S.C. Truckenbrodt, M. Enderling, B. Weier & F. Klan (2021): Entwicklung und Test der FieldMApp zur Einbeziehung landwirtschaftlicher Expertise bei der Charakterisierung von Minderertragsflächen. – 1. AgriSens FELDTAG „Einsatz von Fernerkundungstechnologien in der Landwirtschaft“, 4 November 2021, Kruckow, Germany (poster presentation).

  • Truckenbrodt, S.C., F. Klan, E. Borg, K.-D. Missling & C.C. Schmullius (2020): The role of uncertainties in the scientific utilization of citizen science data in the context of data assimilation. – 6th Austrian Citizen Science Conference “Citizen Science: Anspruch und Bedeutung“, 14–16 September 2020, Online conference (poster presentation).

  • Truckenbrodt, S.C., F. Klan, E. Borg, K.-D. Missling & C.C. Schmullius (2020): How valuable are citizen science data for a space-borne crop growth monitoring? – The reliability of self-appraisals. EGU General Assembly 2020, 3–8 May 2020, Online conference (poster presentation). DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-13332.
    [website with pdfs]

  • Truckenbrodt, S.C., F. Klan, E. Borg, K.-D. Missling & C.C. Schmullius (2020): Assimilation of Citizen Science Data in the Earth Observation Land Data Assimilation System. – Workshop „Citizen Science - Neues Beteiligungsformat für die Forschung zur Agrar-, Forst-, Fischereiwirtschaft und zu ländlichen Räumen?“, 11–12 March 2020, Braunschweig, Germany (poster presentation).

  • Truckenbrodt, S.C., F. Klan, E. Borg, K.-D. Missling & C.C. Schmullius (2020): Assimilation of Citizen Science Data in the Earth Observation Land Data Assimilation System. – Symposium „20 Jahre Lehrstuhl für Fernerkundung an der FSU Jena“, 7 February 2020, Jena, Germany (poster presentation).


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Oral presentations

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Last modified March 16, 2022: Update (3b0a3f581)